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Agenda August 22, 2024 Board Meeting




Thursday, August 22, 2024


Notice is hereby given that the Gum Springs Water Supply Corp. will convene for a Regular Meeting at the Corporation office located at 714 Mt Pleasant Rd., Hallsville, TX at 12:30 p.m. to be presented are as follows:

  1. Call to Order, Open Prayer.
  2. Roll Call of Directors and establish a quorum.
  3. Welcome and recognize visitors and guests.
  4. Receive public comments and/or any written correspondence from Gum Springs WSC Members and take any necessary action regarding same.
  5. Consider Approval of July 25, 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes.
  6. Consider Approval of the Financial report for July 2024.
  7. Consider Approval of the Water Loss Report for July 2024.
  8. Receive/Discuss and Take Any Necessary Action on Construction Inspection Fee.
  9. Receive/Discuss and Take Any Necessary Action on Pumpstation #4, Repair/Upgrades.
  10. Receive/Discuss and Take Any Necessary Action on Update on Pumpstation #2 Storage Tank Rehab.
  11. Receive/Discuss and Take Any Necessary Action on Rate Study.
  12. Receive/Discuss and Take Any Necessary Action on New Pump Station #1
  13. General Managers Report.
  14. Consider items of Old/New Business to be placed on September Agenda
  15. Adjourn

The Board of Directors is authorized by the Texas Open Meetings Act to convene in closed or executive session for certain purposes.  These purposes include receiving legal advice from its attorney (Texas Government Code 551.071); discussing real property matters (551.072); discussing gifts and donations (551.073); discussing personnel matters (551.074); or discussing security personnel or devices (551.076).  If the Board of Directors determines to go into executive sessions will be held and will identify the item to be discussed and provision of the Open Meetings Act that authorizes the closed or executive session.